Po týždni a výletoch po Slovensku som späť aj s mojimi pokusmi. Ako som tak surfovala po rôznych internetových stránkach, vybádala som, že momentálne medzi dezertami žne úspechy polonahá torta bez marcipánu. Iba krémom spojené korpusy a keď vám náhodou ešte trochu zostane, ledabolo ním potriete tortu aj po stranách. Ale pozor! Korpus musí byť vidieť! Sranda, nie? Pár rokov dozadu, keď som začala viac vypekať, som bola zbláznená do marcipánu, Ružové farbivo, zelené farbivo, písmenká z marcipánu a marcipánové ružičky. Tým som bola tak pohltená, že mi nevadilo ozdobovať tortu aj celú sobotu (aj keď mi nie všetko podarilo:P). No a minulý rok na jar, počas svadobných príprav bol na pláne aj výber torty. Veľmi som zatúžila krájať o polnoci trojposchodovú nahú tortu /naked cake znie lepšie/. Pinterest bol mojou inšpiráciou a strávila som aj hodiny prezeraním si nádherne ozdobených poschodových tort. Korpusy len tak ledabolo pospájané krémom a prekrásne ozdobené kvetmi, hlavne levanduľou a sezónnym ovocím. Nakoľko sme mali so svadbou kopec iných starostí, upustila som od potreby krájať naked cake a uspokojila som sa s krásnymi (a podstatné, že chutnými) marcipánovými tortami, ktoré som dostala od rodinky.Teraz som si (asi z nostalgie:D) opäť začala pozerať moderné svadobné torty. A presne to ma prekvapilo ako sa trendy rýchlo menia, Naked cake už je out a na trón nastupuje polonahá, nedbalo vyzerajúca krásavica. Keďže z e-baya dorazila moja dlhoočakávaná 15 cm tortová mini forma, tak reku treba ju otestovať. A keďže aj mňa očarila semi-naked torta, bolo rozhodnuté. A hlavne aj preto, že na takejto torte sa nedá nič pokaziť. Natrite ju pripraveným krémom a priveľmi sa nesnažte. To je práve na nej také očarujúce. Ozdobíte ju kvetmi alebo ovocím a výsledkom je nedbalo krásna tortička ako z rozprávky.
Ingredients Instructions
After a week I am finally back with my baking foodie experiments. As I was browsing different foodblogs, I found out that apparently the most favourite baking trend in frosting might be making „naked cakes“. Just the cake layers sticked together with frosting and if you happen to have the leftovers, casually coat the sides of the cake. But pay attention not to coat the entire cake. Layers must be visible! A few years ago, when I got more serious about baking pastries and cakes, I was crazy about icing, pink dye, green dye, marzipan letters and marzipan roses, stuff like that. Sometimes I was so excited that I did not mind decorating the cake all Saturday long. Last spring, when we were planning our own wedding, the wedding cake issue arose among other planning issues. I was very into a cutting midnight three layers naked cake. Pinterest was my inpiration board and I spent hours pinning those beautifully decorated naked cakes. Layers just sticked together with frosting and the cake decorated with beautiful flowers, mostly lavender and seasonal fruits. Since the wedding cake was not the most important wedding issue to be dealt with, I gave up my naked cake obsession and finally was satisfied with beautiful (what is most importat, tasty) marzipan cakes that were a wedding gift from my family. I guess I was feeling little bit nostalgic about my wedding this time of a year, since I started browsing modern wedding cakes again. And what surprised me it is how quickly cake trends can change. Naked cake is already out and semi-naked cake „is the new black.“ My long awaited 15 cm tart mini form arrived few days ago, and I immediately wanted to try it. And because of my current fascination with semi-naked cake style, the decision was made. And besides what can go wrong with semi-naked? Just spread frosting casually and do not try too much. Semi-naked is such a beauty because of its imperfections. Decorate with flowers or fruit, and the result is casually beautiful cake like a fairytale.
Ingredients 1 cake layer (15 cm diameter): 100 g butter 60 g brown sugar 2 small eggs 100 g spelt all purpose flour pinch of salt 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp lemon zest 1/2 tsp vanilla essence 1 tbsp milk Frosting: 300 g mascarpone 100 g butter 30 g powdered sugar 100 ml whipping cream 1 tsp vanilla essence 1 tsp ground lavender flowers 100 g blackberries First whisk butter with sugar. Add eggs one by one and whisk. Separately mix the flour, baking powder, salt . Mix everything together. Add milk , lemon zest and vanilla. Pour into cake pan (already greased and with baking paper ) and bake at 170 degrees for about 35 minutes. For a frosting whisk mascarpone with butter, add sugar , essence , whipping cream and finally ground lavender flowers. Spread the frosting on each layer, arrange blackberries and stack the layers. Spread the leftover frosting on sides casually so you can still see the layers.
June @ How to Philosophize with Cake says
Just gorgeous! Love the lavender flavors in here 🙂
CakeSpy says
I love your semi-naked cake 🙂 It is beautiful and so delicious looking!
Maťa says
Mati, tu si do toho krému švacla mascarpone, maslo a potom vyšlahanú šlahačku alebo smotanu? Diky
Lucia says
Mozem pouzit aj susenu levandulu? Nakolko nieje jej „cas“ a cerstvu nezozeniem 😉 dakujem